If you are looking to Google AdSense, you certainly wonder how you could do with the help of the program, and you probably think that you can not do, as you can the where traditional advertising programs.

Google, of course, is the great secret on how many AdWords advertisers paying for each click on their site, and it is the same as the holders of the AdSense banner to their Web sites.

Although there is nothing official, rumours spread around the Internet as the amount of cash, Web site, you can earn through AdSense. And many people (illegally) to disclose how much they make with AdSense. There are stories of people, more than a thousand dollars per month using AdSense.

There are also stories of people exceeding $100, 000.00 per month, but it's a little hard to believe that these stories. The truth is that if you have a small site, and just, you want to support themselves and do not want to reach your pocket for its operating costs, you can probably do this with AdSense.

AdSense is also very good for people who have many pages. Even if the page does not create much traffic account individually, each click, and you can earn a lot of money, to do so. And it is just to show that sometimes the number of questions, almost like quality.

He did not say how much money you are going to do with Google AdSense, but, as you say to yourself, making really little.

First is the number of visits you get each day. Although he did y has no way to assess this, you can do to make a safe assumption, if you have a large number of clicks per day, you will earn l' good money.

It is also what is talking about your site. If your site is not popular, music, sex, you will certainly get lots of clicks the banner. These are interlinked, called factor of CTR (click ratio).

What it essentially means that, if a large number of visitors to your site clicks, you can make more money. And the best way to do so is to have some popular content on your website, direct users to the popular elements.

Then, of course, there is and the number of ads on your site. While you do not want to exaggerate, having many references is certainly generate more revenue for you as a webmaster. However, do not think that if add you many ads in an important part of your site visitors can always just move them (and make sure you that much this what to do).

There is something between art and science to place your ads. People usually look in some places and never look in other countries, and knowing this is the author of the website or webmaster can do much to increase its revenue with AdSense.

Amount total money you make with AdSense depends on many factors. But if you have a Web site with interesting contents and many pages, and if you see a still significant number of traffic each day, you can bet that you will do a lot of money with AdSense.

Even if you are not in the categories above, AdSense is still worth using because there is very little hassle in creating and many times it can contribute to financially support the site with a pleasant to receive bonus mail at the end of the month.

You need a niche site templates are optimized for best results. You can find the best adsense and models of blog at www.AdsenseTemplates.com (http://www.adsensetemplates.com). They offer 100 new fresh models each month.