Connection settings

To check your connection settings, select the Connection tab in your Profile.
Mail for Exchange provides default profile settings but you need to provide information for the Exchange server and Access point settings.
Exchange server: to use Mail for Exchange you will need the name of your Exchange server. You can get this from your system administrator or e-mail account provider. 
Secure connection: this setting must match the SSL setting for the server. 
Access point: Enter the internet access point your mobile device will use to connect with the Microsoft Exchange server. You can get these details from your wireless carrier. 
Sync while roaming: Synchronisation while roaming may be more expensive than synchronisation at other times. You can control the synchronisation schedule while you are roaming by selecting one of the following:
  • No: Synchronisation does not occur while roaming, unless you synchronise manually.
  • Yes, on peak only: Synchronisation occurs only during the peak hours you have defined in the profile. No automatic synchronisation occurs during off-peak hours while roaming.
  • Yes, always: This is the default. Automatic synchronisation occurs according to the synchronisation schedule even while roaming. On Exchange 2007 servers, the administrator can override the user's settings and require you to sync manually while roaming.

Use default port: Use the server default connection port. If you select No, then you must specify a port in the port number field that appears. To get the port settings, contact your system administrator or e-mail account provider.
